Friday, 7 September 2012


i miss you & i love you so much.


Dearest Love,

Often, your nearness takes away my breath ! You mere presence , makes me feel elated . The smell of your perfume and the beauty of your eyes tunes my existence to some music , mystical music , I would say . My soul romance and dances in joy . Somewhere , I hope that the silence of my eyes and the beats of my heart can convey to you how I feel for you , my love. Some part of my soul is inseparably entwined with yours , in an intimacy , a bonding that can't be explained . You're the though I wish to think always . you're everything my dear , I feel my heart has longed for . I give you my life , my love . will you give me yours , forever and ever .

Luffy : Nami ! You're Awake !

Nami : ... ?

Luffy : You Sound Really Weird When You Sleep !

Nami : ..............

Mugiwara Bio

A Little Information About The Mugiwara Pirates

Luffy "Straw Hat, Straw-chan" Monkey D.

Name: Monkey D. Luffy (モンキー・D・ルフィ)
Age: 17; 19
Birthdate: May 5
Height: 172 cm (5'7½") 
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Captain
Devil Fruit: Gomu Gomu no Mi (Gum Gum Fruit)
Type: Paramecia
Bounty: 400,000,000 (previously; 30,000,000, 100,000,000 and 300,000,000)
First Appearance: Chapter 1; Episode 1

Zoro "Pirate Hunter, Marimo Head, Mr. Bushido, Three Swords Zoro" Roronoa

Name: Zoro Roronoa (ゾロ・ロロノア)
Age: 19; 21
Birthdate: November 11
Height: 178 cm (5'10")
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Swordsman
Devil Fruit: None
Bounty: 120,000,000 (previously; 60,000,000 and 120,000,000)
First Appearance: Chapter 3; Episode 1

Nami "Thief Cat, Namizou, Baby-chan"

Name: Nami (ナミ)
Age: 18; 20
Birthdate: July 3
Height: 169 cm (5' 6½”)
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates (previously; Arlong Pirates)
Position: Navigator
Devil Fruit: none
Bounty: 16,000,000
Chapter 8; Episode 1

Usopp "Sogeking, Long-Nose"

Usopp (ウソップ)
Name: Usopp
Age: 17, 19
Birthdate: April 1
Height: 174 cm (5'8½")
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Sniper
Devil Fruit: none
Bounty: 30,000,000
First Appearance: Chapter 23; Episode 8
Likes: Being seen as a hero, lying about how great he is, the Going Merry
Dislikes: Failure

Sanji "Black Leg, Mr. Prince, Love Cook, Ero Cook"

Name: Sanji (サンジ)
Age: 19; 21
Birthdate: March 2 ; Pisces
Height: 177 cm (5' 9")
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Cook
Devil Fruit: none
Bounty: 77,000,000
First Appearance: Chapter 43; Episode 20

Chopper "Tanuki" Tony Tony

Name: Chopper Tony Tony (トニートニー・チョッパー)
Age: 15; 17
Birthdate: December 24
Height: unknown
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Doctor
Devil Fruit: Hito Hito no Mi (Human Human Fruit)
Type: Zoan
Bounty: 50
First Appearance: Chapter 134; Episode 81

Robin "Demon Child, Miss All Sunday" Nico

Name: Robin Nico (ニコ・ロビン)
Age: 28; 30
Birthdate: February 6
Height: 188cm (6'2") 
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates (previously; Baroque Works)
Position: Archaeologist
Devil Fruit: Hana Hana no Mi (Flower Flower Fruit)
Type: Paramecia
Bounty: 80,000,000 (previously; 79,000,000)
First Appearance: Chapter 114; Episode 67

Franky "Cutty Flam, Bakanky"

Name: Franky (フランキー)
Age: 34
Birthdate: March 9
Height: 225cm (7'4½")
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates
Position: Shipwright
Devil Fruit: none
Bounty: 44,000,000
First Appearance: Chapter 329; Episode 233

Brook "Dead Bones, Soul King"

Name: Brook (ブルック)
Age: 88, 90 (after time-skip)
Birthdate: April 3
Height: 2m 66cm (8'8½")
Affiliation: Straw Hat Pirates (previously; Rumbar Pirates)
Position: Musician, Swordsman
Devil Fruit: Yomi Yomi no Mi (Revive Revive Fruit)
Type: Paramecia
Bounty: 33,000,000
First Appearance: Chapter 442; Episode 337

The Funny Things About Luffy

OMG ! Gah Which One ?? Which One ?!?

nGaaaaaaappp !

Robin ?

How They Do This -__-! I Want Luffy !

Luffy Excited

Waaaaaahhhh !!